Energy & Technology

potential energy

Demystifying Potential Energy: What Doesn’t Qualify

Welcome back, inquisitive minds, to our enthralling journey through the captivating world of energy! Today, we set our sights on a fundamental concept that fuels our understanding of the physical universe – potential energy. As […]

free energy

Understanding Reactions That Require Free Energy

Welcome to our insightful blog where we embark on a captivating journey into the world of chemical reactions and the fascinating concept of free energy. In the realm of science and chemistry, reactions are the […]

gibbs free spontaneity

Understanding Spontaneity with Gibbs Free Energy

Have you ever wondered why certain chemical reactions occur naturally, while others do not? The answer lies in the captivating realm of thermodynamics and, more specifically, the concept of Gibbs Free Energy. If you’re intrigued […]