Energy & Technology

Basic Concepts on The Internet of Energy

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The Internet of Energy is a concept that arose due to the pressing energy need worldwide. The global demand for energy is increasing, but current supply is finite and unsustainable. Energy generation from renewable sources is essential to meeting this demand, but these sources are not yet able to meet the needs that exist today.

New technologies to produce energy from renewable energy sources at a rate that will match the increasing global demand are being introduced now. The Internet of energy is the focus of this article – the technologies to generate renewable energy at low costs.

These new technologies have the potential to bring the benefits of clean, reliable power to the world’s poorest people.

So what is the Internet of Energy?

Internet of Energy refers to the concept of connecting different sources of energy through the Internet so that their power can be consumed around the world. 

In other words, the Internet of Energy can be defined as a global platform that brings together all available energy sources and delivers them to consumers in an energy-efficient way. 

How cool is that? Imagine a future where we have access to clean energy no matter where we are in the world!

According to The MIT Technology Review, the Internet of Energy “is the idea that data gathered from the environment could be used to monitor and manage energy consumption in real time.”

Internet of energy
Internet of energy

Characteristics of the Internet of Energy

The Internet of Energy will have three key characteristics:

1. It will be a decentralized system

2. It will have a communications backbone. Also,

3. It will facilitate power sharing among different resources.

How Can The IoE be Used To Encourage Renewable Energy?

The IoE helps countries manage their energy demand, enabling power stations to produce more electricity at peak times, and less when consumption requirements are low. 

Wide spread adoption of this technology could prevent countries experiencing power blackouts in the future.

How Exactly Can We Get Access to the IoE?

There are many initiatives around the world aimed at developing the IoE. For example, a number of governments and energy companies are working on projects to install smart grids in cities around the world. 

Smart grids work by connecting a number of different sources of renewable energy, allowing energy generated in one area to be exported to another region, where it might be needed.

Access to the IoE is even easier now thanks to the new Blockchain technology. Blockchains are ledgers used to manage transactions and assets in the financial sector.

Are there any differences between IoE and IoT? 

The major differences between IoE and IoT are that the former emphasizes on communication between devices while the latter focuses on collecting data from the devices and using that information to make decisions. 

Furthermore, while the major focus of the Internet of Things is on consumer applications, the IoE is aimed at helping increase the operational efficiency of the power grid in the energy sector.

IoT is the network of connected devices that are connected to the internet.


-IoT describes a class of technologies that use common communication protocols to enable objects to connect and exchange data, creating the so-called “Internet of Things.

-It leverages embedded sensors and actuators to collect data from connected objects and use them to communicate or perform an action (e.g., turning off lights to save energy).

-The IoT concept envisions ubiquitous connectivity through which everyday objects can send and receive data over a network, thus enabling smart objects and smart cities and smart households.

These are just a few of the highlights on the differences between IoE and IoT.

Internet of energy
Internet of energy

What countries are using the IoE currently?

There are a number of countries around the world that are adopting the IoE to improve the efficiency of their power grids. These include China, Singapore, the US, Canada, Japan, India, Australia, and more.

How much of carbon emissions can be cut down using the IoE technologies?

A scenario analysis performed by Siemens showed that the power industry could lower its greenhouse gas emissions by 17% worldwide by 2030, using currently available technology. This number would increase to 30% if coal was replaced by renewable sources, such as wind and solar power.

Want to learn more about IoE? Don’t forget to follow our sites regularly for updates. Please leave your questions in the comment section of this article. Thanks!

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